Project Spellblade Devlog - #00

Project Spellblade Devlog #00


I've been working on various game systems and trying to create a fun experience that mashes up the real-time action combat from World of Warcraft Arena and combines it with the roguelike experience, power progression systems and visual identity of Slay the Spire. Both of these games I've played for hundreds of hours and am really really inspired by them so decided to mash them together! I love the idea of games like Titan Quest, Path of Exile and D&D Multiclassing providing systems that really let you explore your Class Fantasy and figure out a playstyle you want to play that fits your intended theme and giving the player the tools to allow for non-typical RPG archetypes to exist.

Imagine playing:
- a fire mage spellsword who uses melee weapons and fire abilities to deal fire damage which in turns heals them
- a healer who overheals themselves to deal damage to enemies, and can put thorns/retributuion aura on themselves for additional damage income = pain for the attacking target
- a warrior who only casts spells but they are amplified by the current warriors Attack Power.
- a tank who applies status effects to the enemy and gains more block based off how many status effects are on themselves and the enemy.

I really want to make it so that any type of RPG player can come into this game, see a path skewing towards an archetype they enjoy playing and then throughout the course of the game making choices and finding power-ups to mold their character into the archetype of their dreams.

Currently as of this alpha build the following can be done:

  • Class Selection (Three distinct Classes with their own mechanic)
    • Class Specialization (Three unique ways to play the base class)
    • Class Mechanic (Each class has a unique way of playing, this mechanic will reward the player by playing smartly in order for them to cast additional abilities at instant speed usually)
  • Overworld (10 nodes then a Boss)
    • Navigation of 1-3 paths, each path currently can have an event, combat.
    • Every few nodes that are traversed an option of a Rest, Shop and Forge is offered.
    • Procedural Generation (based off a seed id, this effects nodes, shops, and some rewards).
  • Combat
    • Real-time combat you can learn up to 10 abilities to craft your ideal rotation to unleash against enemies.
      • Feels very similar to WoW (with Global Cooldown, cast times, chaining of abilities into instant casts)
    • Randomized enemies based off what Act you are currently in
  • Rewards
    • Events and Combat can provide rewards that power up your character!
  • Bosses
    • Boss 1: Provide a selection of a subclass, a reward + ability fitting that Class.
    • Boss 2: A unique weapon that will provide powerful stats (some will attack with you).
    • Boss 3: Defeat this Boss to win the Game!

Patch Notes


Current Classes and Specializations:

  • Warrior
    • Blademaster: Focuses on critical strikes with melee physical attacks.
    • Phoenix Guard: Uses Fire Magic and Swordsmanship to inflict Burn on opponents.
    • Paladin: Very durable, additional max health. Starts out with a healing ability.
  • Mage
    • Runemage: Uses three runes to create a wide array of custom spells.
    • Occultist: Gains the shadow rune as the fourth rune.
    • Spellblade: A battlemage that can enhance their physical attacks with magic of their choosing.
  • Esper
    • Duelist: A melee duelist who can Riposte enemy attacks.
    • Warden: A melee character focused on precision and poison.
    • Warlock: A melee mage with knowledge of fire and shadow.

Warrior: Phoenix Guard gains new ability Flaming Sweep.


36 Player Abilities currently in the game. 

Changed coefficients on several physical/magical damage skills.


30 Rewards currently in the game.

Rewards can be Augments, Temporary Buffs, Starting Equipment, Shop Items among other things.


Events: 5 Exploration events with 3 choices each.

Combat: 27 Unique enemies.

Every 2/6/10 column will have the following choices:

  • Rest (1 of 3 choices, including full heal)
  • Shop (buy new abilities, items and traits)
  • Forge (1 of 3 choices, including increasing power level)


  • Act 1:
    • Normal: 8
    • Elite: 2
    • Boss: 1
  • Act 2:
    • Normal: 8
    • Elite: 2
    • Boss: 1
  • Act 3:
    • Normal: 1
    • Elite: 2
    • Boss: 1
  • Event: 1

Developer Notes

  • Shop is WIP.
  • Status Effects are not fully implemented and are being worked on.
  • Spell Rune (Shadow/Water) are currently not implemented but are being worked on behind the scenes.

Files 86 MB
Dec 10, 2023 86 MB
Dec 10, 2023 86 MB
Dec 11, 2023 86 MB
Dec 14, 2023

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